For today’s Fantastic Friday Shout-outs we’d like to recognize a math game, a DIY math puzzle and several sites that have been referred to us as resources for our kids to learn early math skills online.
We discovered a terrific math game from Shirley, a homeschooling mom over at Preschool Activities. It is great for teaching both addition as well as subtraction. I bet you could even adapt the “Number Spider” for upper level math as well! Basically, you write the answer in the middle and all the “legs” are the possible ways you could reach that number. My daughter and I adapted this with Cheerios. This was a great way to reinforce the concept of 6 both concretely (by counting the physical cheerios) and in written form. For full instructions (if the image isn’t enough) check out her site!
I love puzzles… and I know this next activity is well above the level of our preschoolers, but I bet they would love manipulating the parts and building with them, maybe even helping you solve the puzzle. At the Museum of Mathematics, they made a puzzle with magnets and cardboard boxes. The goal is to make the parts fit together. Check it out and let us know if you create your own magnetic box puzzle! Don’t want to make one? Jane makes them out of wood.
And last but not least are three sites that I have been meaning to check out! Each of these sites is supposed to have terrific online curriculum for our kids to practice and develop their math skills. Think the “Starfall” for math. I have not tried any of them. With the beautiful spring weather we are too busy oursite playing with our moon sand (haha), but if a rainy day comes along and I remember I’m going to try and see if they can help my kiddos increase in their math skills. If any of you try them please, let me know what you think and how they have helped your kiddos!
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